About Me

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Hullo & Welcome to my world of college crafting! Just to get started, here a few baseline rules. I call them the "Chica Chic Guides." 1) Do not judge my messy house! I live with five other people. 2) Be ready to get messy. I have yet to make a craft that leaves my fingers clean. 3) If you like an idea: TRY IT! That's how I got started in this messy business. Now, Go get'em!

Just a few thoughts...

Have you seen this commercial? It's AMAZING.
Alright, so the love story part is a teeny bit stalker/creepy, but so many stories are.
Meanwhile, go back and watch the CONSTRUCTION of the commercial. Amazing.
I am SO jealous of whoever got to be the set design person for this commercial. And did you see her dress? I am deeply inspired. Are there advertisement awards for costume design?


Has anyone ever met the "Silhouette"?

Talk about AMAZING!
This sucker cuts fabric, paper, cardboard, vinyl, etc etc etc.

For those of you who know me, I have been drooling over a Cricut for about a year now. (Damn college eats all my money). The "Silhouette" is about 100 million times better. It allows you to create images on your computer and send them to the machine so you can customize your look!
*Dreamy Sigh*
Is it wrong to be in love with a machine?